Life is sweet..
Yep, no doubt about it, life is sweet these days:) For some weird reason I'm mostly walking around with a smile on my face, except those days I'm just stressed and pissed. Cause that happens too you know. It's all that bloody rain, autumn is setting in. But it haven't been that bad yet, so the pissed and stressed part is not dominating.
I was home this weekend, and since I didn't bring any of my schoolbooks, I ended up having the most relaxing weekend ever! It's something about not having your books around, you simply can't do anything about it! At first you feel somehow stressed, there are so many things you should do. But soon you just drift along, not worrying about a single thing. That means lazy, long mornings followed by days of doing nothing. LOVE IT!
And I got my new computer before the weekend. So far I'm just positive about it, and SOOOO much better than my last one. It's a Compaq nx7400, if that tells you anything. It's a tiny bit bigger than my old one, but it feels lighter. And it goes faster, has bigger memory.. Yep, everything is better.
I have been a bit lazy with the pictures lately, so I thought I could put some out now. First and foremost from the beautiful wedding we attended some weeks ago:

When there is no glasses for beer, they take what they find:P
It was raining cats and dogs that day.
The lovely couple cutting up the cake
And, to show how fun we have it in our house, this is some pics from the housewarmingparty we had last weekend.
And yes, these 3 people is the ones I live with. The one on the last picture is moving out in a couple of weeks, a shame really. Hope the girl that moves in, brings as much life into this house as he did.
There is one more girl in our little world, but she was not at that party.