A students life..

torsdag, november 22, 2007

Norway, the best country in the world

I didn't say it, Michael Moore did. This is the part of the movie Sicko he cut out of the movie, cause it was too fantastic to believe :D

lørdag, november 17, 2007

a tiny update..

hmm, suddenly I realise I haven't written anything for almost 2 months. I guess nobody reads this anymore, but now the exam-period is closing in and I need something to do to keep myself from studying. My first exam is not untill 30th of november, and of course I can't focuse..

Since last time.. Life isn't so sweet anymore, for a lot of reasons. But of course there are some highlights, like my birthday-party (yes, I'm now officially 22...). Pil baked me a cake (yes, I know it was one of those cakes that's almost done, you just add water and put it in the oven, but still..)
and yes, I know I look a bit crazy on this picture, but CAKE :D

Well, I guess I should go back to the books, since all I have read since I came here over one hour ago, is 1/2 page. And I found out the purpose of my life, become a drugaddict (at least according to a quiz I took on start.no. Good to know